Re-Activated in 1989

CWL St Paul, Richmond

Prayer Requests
We bring to Jesus Pat Deppiesse past Diocesan President and Life member who has had a recurrence of cancer, we ask for healing for her in all that this entails.
We also bring our sister Kathleen Francis, Katherine the sister of Maria Medic, several parishioners who have received recent diagnosis and those who are awaiting answers - we entrust their healing to all the saints and ask Our Lady of Good Counsel to intercede for them all.
For all those who continue to suffer with back issues - as many suffer in silence let us hold them in our prayers requesting removal of pain and healing
For our Sisters who continue to suffer with unknown or long term illnesses, let us bring them before the altar of God each week pleading on their behalf for healing.
We give thanks for the growth, wisdom, friendship and fulfillment our council has brought and continues to bring to our members, let us not forget those who, although cannot attend, are with us in spirit. Let us hold them close to our hearts always.
We give thanks for our prayer warriors and our silent members who keep our prayers strong before the Saints - we know with them, Jesus, Our Lady and the Holy Spirit all things are possible.
We ask for blessings on this council as we begin our year. We entrust all our members into the hands of Our Lady of Good Counsel and her most precious son Jesus.
We ask for continued blessings and healing for all our priests, especially those in retirement and those who suffer silently. May they know the great love and healing of God's gentle touch.
We ask Our Lord to protect our sisters who are currently abroad, travelling or will be travelling. We ask for a joy-filled time and a safe return.