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Congratulations to our Maple Leaf Recipients for 2024:

Ellen Langan

Alicia Borthwick

Joyce Vanderpass

These women have served St. Paul Council for a combined 99 years, having held positions on the Executive most of their membership as well as taking on various committees.


In August of 2024 the Executive created criteria for this prestigious award, members were invited to submit nominations to the Maple Leaf Committee. After review and discussion these 3 members were passed to the President for approval who then took to our Spiritual Advisor for final approval.


To say these ladies are most deserving would be an understatement.  Our council has been deeply blessed by their dedication to both our council and the League.





This year a new award was setup as a way to recognize the exceptional work of members - Member of the Year.

The  Member of the Year is an award given by the current Executive to a member in good standing who has shown strong support of our council and League.

The Executive members nominate a member who reflects the criteria setup.  This year we had two members who met the criteria and as we could not choose one over the other it was awarded to both:


Carmen D'Souza & Marilou Shilts


Congratulations to these very deserving ladies who give of their time unconditionally, always smiling, always promoting the League and our Council.


We thank them for the joy they bring to every meeting and every event they participate in.

Service Pins are awarded to members who have remained in good standing.  For some members breaks to their membership took place and as such their recognized "years of service" was disrupted however due to a change in systems, some of their paid membership years had been missing; as such, our Executive worked diligently reviewing archives and verifying the years these members had paid memberships on file.  This led to ""catchup" pins being awarded this year as well as the annual awarding of members in good standing.

We congratulate the following years who were awarded Service Pins at the December Meeting:


Serafina Sammarco - 5 Years

Lyce Rozario - 10 Years

Agnest Eitner - 15 Years

Ann Egan  - 20 Years

Bandy Unaphum & Patricia Macdonald - 25 Years

Pauline Bourassa - 45 Years


The following members were not present at the meeting and will be presented in January:


Erica King - 5 Years

Bernadette Battle & Edwina Shuster - 10 Years

Lucy Chan - 15 Years

Isabelle Klaris & Sylvia Muscardin - 35 Years


Helen Andow was presented her 25 Year pin at a separate event by President Patricia Macdonald


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